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Kyleigh thrives with support from Friends of the Children – Charlotte

Kyleigh thrives with support from Friends of the Children – Charlotte

Kyleigh loves to dance, do gymnastics, sing, paint and color. She has a happy disposition despite the many challenges her family experienced. Kyleigh is one of seven children; she has spent time in foster care and is now back with her mother. The family experienced periods of housing instability, moving back and forth between an aunt and grandmother then an altercation with the aunt left them homeless. They experienced difficulties and disappointments finding housing but finally secured a place. They moved in, have furniture on the way, and are working on settling into their new home.


Kyleigh is part of our Friends of the Children – Charlotte program, her mentor works with her to improve her confidence and to maintain her academic progress. Kyleigh’s mentor also supports her siblings, if they are struggling at school a quick chat can help them feel valued and seen. The program has provide a sense of stability for the whole family in the midst of instability and chaos. Kyleigh’s mentor is a constant source of support and love for all of them, ensuring they are connected with local resources, such as furniture from Beds for Kids after their recent move.


‘Having someone to look out for Kyleigh and support our family during recent chaos has helped all of us keep moving forward.’ ~ Kyleigh’s mom