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Crisis Stabilization Program helps Sam reset his emotions

Crisis Stabilization Program helps Sam reset his emotions

Sam hopes he can finish high school, return home to his parents, and lead a healthy life. Sam struggles in social settings and suffers from low self-confidence and anxiety. He was prescribed medication to help with depression and transferred to a smaller school where he was bullied, cried frequently, and hated attending. This led Sam into drug abuse and petty theft. His relationship with his parents became strained during that time. An altercation with his mother led to police involvement and Sam was admitted into the hospital. Unfortunately, his parents refused to pick him up from the hospital.


DSS recommended Sam be placed in a PRTF facility. Sam was admitted into our Crisis Stabilization Program (CSP) while a place was found. While at our CSP unit, Sam became drug-free and even stopped taking all his prescribed anxiety medication. He was able to set himself a new baseline, regulate his emotions, and decide he wanted to maintain a sober life. In collaboration with Sam, his care team determined rehabilitation to be the best course of next treatment. Sam is now well on the road to recovery and will soon return home to his parents.


‘I am happy for the first time in a long time, and feel confident in my ability to work through difficult life situations.’ ~ Sam