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Mental Health Treatment in Matthews, NC

Mental Health Services


97% of families report satisfaction with services

1 in 6 youth have a mental health condition, but only half receive treatment.

84% improvement in overall well being

A home-based mental health treatment to stabilize youth & families who have experienced trauma, and those experiencing complex mental health symptoms.

We offer clinical care and counseling for children and families within their home or community setting.

Multisystemic Therapy (MST) is an evidence-based therapy, using multiple therapies and approaches simultaneously to resolve severe behavioral problems.

We offer counseling services for individuals, families, couples, and groups in the community, school, and office settings.

We offer mental health counseling services for individuals, families, and groups in the school setting through partnership with Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools.

Wraparound focuses on supporting youth and families with cross-systems involvement such as DSS and DJJ.

We offer a number of residential programs for more complex mental health conditions.

*FY22-23 Results

African-American teen talking with two teen girls
Serving the Community

Thompson's Numbers

We strengthen the lives of children and families through early childhood, family stability, and mental health services.

People Served
Unique Gifts Received