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Make a Donation

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Help give back to the children in your community

Become a GEM (Give Every Month) to support Thompson through monthly, automated donations & support our mission and programs all year long!

Inkind Giving

Donate an item from our Amazon Wish list

Financial Giving

Help give back to the children in your community

Monthly Giving

Become a GEM (Give Every Month) to support Thompson through monthly, automated donations and support our mission and programs all year long!

Legacy Gifts

By designating a bequest to Thompson in your will you can make a long-term impact for children in need. If you have already named Thompson in your will or estate, please let us know so we can ensure that your gift is used according to your wishes. Requests for anonymity will be held in strict confidence. For more information on making a legacy gift, please contact Megan Mitcham, Individual Giving Director at

Give From Your IRA

If you’re, 70.5 or older, giving from your IRA can benefit your finances while making an immediate impact on your community. IRA charitable donations can be all or a portion of your IRA, up to $100,000 annually.

PLEASE NOTE – The transfer must be made directly from the IRA to Thompson through your IRA administrator, or you may write a check payable to Thompson  from your IRA checkbook.

Donate Stocks or Securities

When you transfer ownership of long-term holdings to Thompson, you receive a charitable deduction for their full market value-and you incur no capital gains tax. To make a donation of stock or security, please contact Megan Mitcham, Individual Giving Director.

Donor-Advised Fund Giving

Giving through an donor-advised fund enables you to make a charitable contribution when it works best for you and receive a tax benefit, then grant these funds over time. If you already have a donor-advised fund, you can recommend a gift to Thompson by contacting your fund representative. Our tax ID number is 56-0547460.

Legacy Gifts

By designating a bequest to Thompson in your will you can make a long-term impact for children in need. If you have already named Thompson in your will or estate, please let us know so we can ensure that your gift is used according to your wishes. Requests for anonymity will be held in strict confidence. For more information on making a legacy gift, please contact Megan Mitcham, Individual Giving Director at

Give From Your IRA

If you’re, 70.5 or older, giving from your IRA can benefit your finances while making an immediate impact on your community. IRA charitable donations can be all or a portion of your IRA, up to $100,000 annually.

PLEASE NOTE – The transfer must be made directly from the IRA to Thompson through your IRA administrator, or you may write a check payable to Thompson  from your IRA checkbook.

Donate Stocks or Securities

When you transfer ownership of long-term holdings to Thompson, you receive a charitable deduction for their full market value-and you incur no capital gains tax. To make a donation of stock or security, please contact Megan Mitcham, Individual Giving Director.

Donor-Advised Fund Giving

Giving through an donor-advised fund enables you to make a charitable contribution when it works best for you and receive a tax benefit, then grant these funds over time. If you already have a donor-advised fund, you can recommend a gift to Thompson by contacting your fund representative. Our tax ID number is 56-0547460.

Donate with Confidence


With Your Help

Supporting Foster Children

Thompson provides services to those at the highest risk of negative life outcomes in our community. There’s so much unmet need, not only in our area, but in our country.

I think daily about how we can be ready, willing, and able to meet the needs of our children and families. The plan includes each of you.

When there is a need, Thompson will respond, meet you where you are, and help you change your story.

Your compassion and generosity continues to change lives – thank you!

All Children Healthy, All Families Thriving, All Communities Strong!

Will Jones – President/CEO